Taiwan………….. Innovative pet Kidney FailureTherapy

CSJ Pet Nephrology Center
Based on our original herbal formula and patented medicinal liquid, we offer your pets an innovative therapy concentrating on the recovery of kidney cells and containing no injection, hospitalization or dialysis.
IF your pets are suffering from kidney failure, please contact us.
LINE ID : 0982627702
# Innovative Therapy
We focus on the positive recovery of renal cortex, not the negative assistance from dialysis.
It’s a misunderstanding that kidney function is irreversible!
The kidney cortex is the most important tissue of the kidney, and to renovate kidney cortex is the exact way to cure pets with kidney failure.
Our innovative therapy can nourish and renovate kidney cortex at a rapid speed, and provide higher cure rate and survival rate.
# Original Herbal Formula
Based on the traditional Chinese medical science, we developed the natural herbal oral medication for pets to be cured at home, not hospital.
Our original formula contains only natural medicinal herbs, and is an entirely oral medicine.
Our treatment is totally non-invasive.
There’s no need for hospitalization through our treatment, thus the stress of pets and expenses are both reduced.
# Groundbreaking Patented Medicinal Liquid
Our patented medicinal liquid is able to reduce the burden on the kidneys by assisting the kidney to detoxify.
Currently, patents have been acquired in Taiwan, China, the United States, and Japan.
# Negligible Side Effects
Our therapy contains oral medication only.
There’s no need to worry about edemas or infection caused by invasive procedures like subcutaneous injections, intravenous drips or the dialysis method.
# Reasonable Expenses
The expenses we charge are far lower than the traditional veterinary treatment.
Through our treatment, all your pets need to do is to take our oral medicine at home.
# Treatment and High Quality of Life
Would you be willing to endure daily injections or long-term intubation for dialysis?
Our therapy only requests your pets to take our oral medicine, which is not unpalatable at all; without daily injections or dialysis, pets can surely enjoy a much better course of treatment.


私は最近体重が増えたため、古いグッチコピーの服が全く合わなくなってしまいました。 グッチコピーの魅力は永遠に続くと言われており、その名前はファッション業界でも特別な存在とされています。

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